Rx Weight Loss Medications:

We offer a variety of weight loss medications. You will be evaluated by our physician and prescribed the best option according to your individual needs. All prescriptions are sent to the pharmacy of your choice. This enables us to make sure you are getting the most effective medication at an affordable price.

There are 6 FDA approved weight loss medicatons/ appetite suppressants:

  1. Adipex (phentermine) is the most common appetite suppressant. This is an amphetamine and it is considered a controlled substance. Because of the addictive qualities this medication may have it can only be used for 6 months at a time. The physician must be on site to refill this medication.
  2. Bontril (phendimetrazine) is also an amphetamine and used short term only for weight loss. It also can only be used 6 months at a time and the physician must also be on site to refill this medication as well.
  3. Qsymia is a mixture of Topamax and phentermine. This medication is extended release so it works all day and night. Qsymia affects the neurotransmitter gaba which can suppress appetite and enhance satiety. This medication Can also alter the taste of certain foods, helping reduce the pleasure of eating.
  4. Contrave is a mixture of bupropion and naltrexone. This medication is started slowly and you increase your dosage weekly for four weeks. This medication is known for working on two areas of your brain-the hunger center and the reward center to reduce hunger and help control cravings
  5. Belviq- No longer being prescribed
  6. GLP-1 therapy- There are four medications in this category and are all very similar and very effective for weight loss. These medications mimic an intestinal hormone that tells your brain your stomach is full.

*Saxenda- indicated for weight loss and VERY effective

*Victoza- indicated for diabetes but very effective for weight loss

*Ozempic- stronger form of Victoza and very effective for weight loss

*Rybelsus- Pill form of Ozempic and very effective for weight loss

All GLP-1 medications and contrave can be refilled without physician on site.

New Patients will see our board certified physician and evaluated for determination of need for  Rx weight loss medication. Physician will individualize each patients plan for weight loss needs.

All new patients must have an appointment to be seen and evaluated.

New Patient consulation is $85

We do offer military discounts- military ID must be presented and in date

Return Patients visit $35 and does not require appointment- every 28 days for refill of rx medications.

6 month return visit and restart appointments are $50.

Patients who have not been seen in 2 years are considered a new patient

*All doctor days will be posted on Facebook and Instagram weekly

*You can contact us for appointment through Facebook or by calling our office

*If you have any questions please always feel free to call our office or email us

Lipotropic and B12 weight loss injections:

  1. Vitamin B12- This injection contains only vitamin B12 which is known for giving you energy. It is also known for being very effective at boosting your metabolism because it is used in the metabolism of every cell in your body. Vitamin B12 is also very good for neurological function and will help reduce fatigue.
  2. MIC plus – This injection is a mixture of 3 very powerful fat burners (methionine, inositol, and choline), as well as other B vitamins. This mixture is very effective for detoxifying your liver, eating stored body fat, increasing energy levels, increasing metabolism and reducing water retention.


*Powerful amino acid (fat burner) that helps the body process and eliminate body fat

*helps the body produce Glutathione- The body’s most abundant natural antioxidant

*Helps prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver which is essential for the elimination of toxins and ensures normal liver function

*Is needed to make creatine, a nutrient naturally found primarily in the muscle tissue that provides energy our muscles need to move and has been found to boost athletic performance during short, intense workouts. Creatine is necessary for all muscular function and essential for the heart and circulatory system.

*Essential for collagen production and helps reduce the level of inflammatory histamines in the body. This nutrient is very good for people with conditions linked to excessive histamine production that causes severe inflammation in the body.


*Effective in breaking down fat and eliminating fat from the body

*When combined with Choline is very effective at producing Lecithin in your body. Lecithin is fundamental at breaking down fats in the body and can help prevent the build up of fat in your cell walls thus preventing artery blockages and decreasing cholesterol levels in the body.

*Makes sure adipose tissue is broken down and sent to the “fat furnace” and eliminated

Effectively and Immediately.

*Can help reduce anxiety and depression, mood swings and other mental illness symptoms.

*Very effective in hair growth- Helps reduce and disrupt symptoms of hyperandrogenism which is common in women over 45 or women with hormone imbalance.


*Helps the body burn fat ,resulting in easier weight loss while lowering cholesterol at the same time

*Helps body produce phosphatidylcholine, which is needed for proper mental functioning. Choline can help diminish memory loss if providing adequate amounts while you are younger. Choline can nourish your brain and your liver while it helps you lose weight


*Increases Endurance

*Enhances Weight Loss

*Prevents Muscle Damage

*Amps up fat burning

*Targets Abdominal fat

*Boosts brain function

*Helps regulate blood sugar

  1. Lipo Mino Injections- This injection has a mixture of 5 fat burners and B Vitamins and is the most popular option. This injection is very effective at increasing your metabolism, giving you energy, eating stored body fat, detoxifying your liver, reducing water retention and targeting belly fat.

B-1-helps the body convert carbohydrates to energy. Also used to boost immune function and to decrease memory loss.

B-2- increases energy level , boost immune function, maintains healthy hair, skin, mucous membranes and nails; slows aging process and boosts athletic performance

B-3-Releases the energy from carbohydrates, fats and proteins so they can be used by the body. This vitamin also helps control blood sugar levels, keeping skin healthy and maintaining proper function of the nervous and digestive system.

B-5- This vitamin is a component of coenzyme A. This plays a critical role on the utilization of fats and carbohydrates in energy production as well as the manufacturing of adrenal hormones and red blood cells.

B-6- Used for reducing blood levels of homocysteine, a chemical that might be linked to heart disease. It also assists with proper nerve function and immune system function.

B-12-Helps your body use fat and carbohydrates for energy and make new protein. It is also important for normal blood, cells and nerves.

Methionine- Assists in the breakdown of fats and thereby prevents the build up of fat in the arteries, as well as assisting with the digestive system and removing heavy metals from the body since it can be converted to cytosine, which is a precursor to glutathione, which is of prime importance in detoxifying the liver.

Inositol- Helps maintain the proper electrical energy and nutrient transfer across the cell membrane. It also acts as a lipotropic which converts fat into other useful products. Inositol helps establish healthy cell membranes which facilitate healthy nerve impulses.

Choline- Increases rate of lipolysis, meaning that you burn more fat than you would at your typical metabolic rate. It does this by assisting the transportations of dietary fats throughout the body to your cells so they are burned for energy. This can help prevent future weight gain while also contributing to steady and reliable weight loss results. Also promotes brain health and focus.

L-Carnitine- Promotes the long-chain fatty acids for energy and boosts endurance. Targets belly fat.

Chromium- Helps regulate blood sugar levels and aids in increasing energy. This vitamin has been known to make you feel full faster.

Lidocaine- local anesthetic used to decrease pain with intramuscular injection.


MIC PLUS- (Super lipo) 3 fat burners:

1 injection for $10 (with 1cc solution in each syringe)

Double injection for $20 (with 2cc solution in each syringe)

LIPO MINO 5 fat burners :

1 injection for for $15  (with 1cc solution in each syringe)

Double injection for $30 (with 2cc solution in each syringe)


1 cc injection $10



The key to these shots being successful is consistency!!!!!! Stay consistent and you will see results. The amino acids and B vitamins in these injections are very fragile so when you take an oral form you never see results because your gut destroys most of it before it is even absorbed. These are very powerful and so good for your body! They can be life changers especially for those who have had stomach surgery or gastric bypass. The energy and over all mood enhancements are amazing! The weight loss effect is shocking to some and steady for most.

As long as you have completed your initial weight clinic appointment you can stop by anytime during our normal business hours to purchase injections

You do not have to have an appointment or pay a follow-up visit fee to stop by and purchase additional injections from the weight clinic receptionist. We never close for lunch so feel free to stop by during your lunch break.

You do have the option to take your injections home with you and self administer. ( WE WILL MAKE SURE YOU HAVE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS)


We offer any kind of blood work at our clinic. We do not file or send insurance information to the lab so that we can make sure each patient, even those without insurance, have a chance to have these levels checked at a very affordable price. Our lab panel is just $45 and is extensive and will make sure there is no medical reason why you have gained weight or why you cannot lose weight. This service is most certainly effective in your treatment and has been very beneficial in numerous patients weight loss treatment. It is our goal to get down to the root of the issue and not just offer a “band aid” for your weight loss journey.


We offer 2 main supplements that are very effective on your weight loss journey.

  • KLB-5 is a mixture of Kelp, lecithin, Bromelain, Blue Green Algae and Apple Cider Vinegar. This mixture of minerals is very good for your thyroid and your thyroid thrives off of it. The main thing you will experience and notice is inch loss. Our patients have found this product very beneficial and therefore it is hard to keep on our shelf. This product sells out fast!!!!!!!
  • TRIM AWAY is an all natural appetite suppressant that can be taken by those who cannot take a RX weight loss medication or can be taken with most of our Rx weight loss medications to enhance the effects and offer several other minerals that enhance the weight loss effect.

Please call and ask about pricing for these products.


These shakes are already made and super convenient. All you have to do is refrigerate and shake before use. These shakes offer the perfect low carb meal. They come in numerous flavors. They only have 1 gram of sugar so they are diabetic friendly. They taste amazing! The nutritional value in the shakes are as follows:

30 grams protein

160 calories

Less than 2 grams carbs when fiber is subtracted

These are available for people who have a hard time meal prepping. If you find yourself going through the drive thru all of the time or skipping meals then this is a great option for you. We would much rather you eat real food but this is a super convenient option for those of us who are busy and unable to prep.